Why is Leadership Important in School?

Leadership in school is a crucial aspect of ensuring that students achieve their education goals and that schools operate successfully. This is because leaders set the tone and create the culture that guides the work of educators.

The purpose of leadership is to empower others, build teamwork and make the best possible education for students. A leader should also be dependable and trustworthy, setting the tone of a positive environment that encourages trust and collaboration between teachers and administrators.

A good leader should have a clear vision of what needs to be done and how they plan to achieve it. They should also have a strong sense of their own strengths and abilities and be willing to use them to help others succeed.

They should be open to feedback and seek constructive criticism from staff. They should also be committed to ongoing professional development and be interested in the latest research and practices within education.

It is important for leaders to be able to listen to the concerns of others, and take those concerns into account when making decisions about how they will lead their school. This will help them to be more effective and efficient.

Leadership is a key factor in school improvement efforts (UNESCO, 2019b; VVOB, 2018). A well-trained and supported leadership can be a major contributor to improving educational outcomes for students and helping to ensure that all children receive a quality education.

When leadership is effective, it can have a large impact on the lives of children and adults. For example, it can improve teacher morale, student attendance and engagement, and student achievement.

It can also increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning (UNESCO, 2017; Vaillant, 2015; OECD, 2020). It can also help to increase the supply of qualified teachers in low-income countries and disadvantaged areas, as a way of improving the quality of education for all children.

In addition, leaders can be responsible for promoting and supporting gender equity in the teaching workforce. This is particularly true in low-income countries and disadvantaged areas, where women tend to be less likely to hold senior positions in schools (Spillane, Paquin Morel, and Al-Fadala, 2019; UNESCO, 2018; OECD, 2020).

Finally, it can be an important tool for implementing social inclusion strategies (Spillane, Paquin, and Al-Fadala, 2019, UNESCO, 2017, VVOB, 2018, OECD, 2020) and developing the capacity of teachers to teach and engage with students of different abilities and backgrounds.

Moreover, leadership is important for enhancing safety in the school and promoting a safe and secure environment. For example, leadership can provide support and guidance to staff members who are experiencing issues with their physical or mental health and help to ensure that children’s safety is maintained at all times.

In a modern education system, where many students are from diverse backgrounds and have varying degrees of education and experience, leadership plays an even more crucial role than it did in the past. The success of a school is dependent on the leadership of its principals and staff members.