Why Do I Feel So Tired in the Afternoon?

You’re a hard-working person who tries to get the most out of each day. But sometimes your afternoon energy fades away, leaving you yawning and unable to concentrate on your tasks. It’s called the afternoon slump, and it’s a real problem that many people face.

If you’re constantly dragging and feel like you’ve had too much coffee, here are some things you can do to help yourself get through the rest of your workday without falling into the trap.

1. Eat the right foods: Having a balanced diet filled with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains is essential for staying well-nourished, which will help you stay focused and avoid that midday slump.

2. Take a midday break: If you’re feeling exhausted, take a break from your busy schedule and do something relaxing that will put you in a better mood and help you fight fatigue.

3. Exercise: A short brisk walk or 10 minutes of stretching at your desk can boost your blood circulation, which will improve your energy levels.

4. Reduce stress: Chronic fatigue can be the result of stress or an imbalance in your stress hormones, which can cause you to lose energy. Mind-body practices like meditation, yoga and qigong can also help you to regain balance in your life.

5. Sleep: A good night’s sleep is one of the most important factors in keeping your energy level up throughout the day.

Having a poor sleep pattern or a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea can make you feel tired, particularly in the afternoon. This is due to an imbalance in the levels of melatonin and other hormones that are responsible for making you feel sleepy at night.

If you have a problem sleeping, seek professional medical advice. This will ensure you’re getting the proper amount of sleep, which will prevent your energy from dipping in the afternoon.

6. Try yoga: Practicing yoga is a great way to release tension and promote mental clarity. Whether you’re doing a simple posture or trying an advanced style, it can have a calming effect on your body and brain, which will help to keep your energy up.

7. Eat small meals: Instead of skipping breakfast or splurging on a huge sandwich, have smaller, more frequent meals that will give you the fuel you need to stay on your feet all day.

8. Have more fun: You might be too stressed out and preoccupied to enjoy yourself, but spending time laughing is a great way to boost your energy levels.

9. Laughter: The natural hormones produced during laughter can help to relieve stress, increase focus and improve concentration.

10. Identify the root cause: You may be dealing with an illness or health condition that’s causing your energy to dip, such as a thyroid issue, anemia or depression. Screening for these conditions can help you get the attention you need to tackle your symptoms.

The tips above will help you beat the afternoon slump, but if you’re still feeling sluggish after trying them out, it might be time to talk to your doctor. They will be able to run bloodwork and tests to diagnose your problems, so you can get the treatment you need to get your energy back up and running.