Where Should I Put An Indoor Cactus?

Cactus are among the toughest indoor plants to care for. They can survive long periods of dormancy without watering, but they still need occasional irrigation. Most cacti prefer to be planted in a bright spot with plenty of direct sunlight.

If you are looking for a unique plant that will thrive in your home, a cactus may be the perfect choice. Cacti are a family of plants, also known as succulents, that are native to the Americas and tropical Africa. They are generally found in arid regions, but some varieties thrive in more humid environments.

They are also a good choice if you have a window sill or balcony. They need lots of light, but they don’t require a large amount of space.

Some cacti are drought-tolerant and can live without water in summer or autumn, but other species require extra humidity to stay healthy. They can become root-rot-prone when exposed to too much water or a poorly draining pot, so it’s a good idea to water them only occasionally.

Repot Your Cactus – at Least Once a Year

If your cactus is starting to outgrow its pot, or if it has developed pests or diseases, you might need to repot it. Repotted cacti have better airflow, which allows the roots to breathe and ward off insects. In addition, repotting helps replace depleted soil with fresh nutrient-rich potting mix.

Choose a Pot with a Good Drainage System

Many clay pots are more suited for cacti than plastic, since clay tends to suck up water. To avoid this, use a pot with holes or drainage tubes in the bottom to let excess water flow through and away from the plant.

When choosing a new pot, choose one that is big enough to hold the cactus’s root ball. If it’s too small, the cactus’s stem could be crushed and the root ball ruined.

Wear gloves and wrap the cactus in newspaper before planting it into a new pot. Remove any leaves from the cactus, and gently insert it into the potting soil. It’s best to make the hole big enough so that it can grow out of the top.

Place the cactus in its new pot and water it until the soil is damp, but not saturated. This will allow the cactus to get used to its new location and adjust to the temperature.

Give the cactus a couple of weeks to adjust before you start watering it again. If you are repotting your cactus for the first time, repot it in a larger pot to ensure the roots are well-supported.

Check Your Cactus’s Soil Every Few Weeks

A cactus’s stems are designed to retain water, so it doesn’t need very much to stay hydrated. However, they do need to be watered frequently if the first 2 inches of soil are dry. If you’re unsure, check the soil with your finger once or twice a month to see if it needs watering.