When is the Earnings Report For PKO BP?

If you’re wondering when the next earnings report for PKO BP will be released, it’s a good idea to follow along on Wall Street. PKO BP has a lot of work ahead of it, and it’s not the easiest company to deal with. However, if you’re able to wait until the end of the quarter, you can avoid missing out on key details.

The company’s financial performance is often based on past results. PKO Bank Polski SA’s earnings are expected to rise this year as central bank rates rise, driving up net interest income. However, repricing of deposits will limit the growth in NII. The central bank of Poland raised its key rate to 5.25% in May, up from 0.50% in October. In a few years, PKO expects that the key rate will increase to as much as 7%.

During the last quarter, PKO BP group made its highest profit in history. The company made PLN 1,236 million during the second quarter of 2019 – a profit of 54 percent, beating the previous record set in Q3 2019. However, analysts were predicting a gold medal for Jagiello, so the earnings report will probably be even more exciting. If you’re a PKO BP shareholder, you can’t afford to miss this important news.

When is the earnings report for pko? – PKO BP is a bank that focuses on serving consumers in Poland. This bank has over 7,000 branches in the country, and the number of electronic operations has increased to 16,666 from 14,891 a year ago. The bank serves 3.6 million customers and has more than nine hundred own branches and four71 former agencies. The number of PKO branches is growing every quarter and continues to increase.