What Are the Signs of an Intelligent Person?

If you’ve ever wondered what the signs of intelligent person are, read on. Here are ten of the most common signs that you’re probably in the company of an intelligent person.


People who are curious about the world around them have a natural inclination to learn more about the world. They love to ask questions about things that seem complicated and don’t want to believe everything they hear unless they can find evidence to support it.

They also like to explore the big picture of situations and understand how they affect others. This is an important sign of intelligence because it makes them better problem-solvers.


Smart individuals are always looking for ways to adapt their thinking, their skills, and their goals in order to make the most of their lives. They don’t like to be stuck in one place or stuck doing something they don’t enjoy.


The ability to control your emotions is another big sign of intelligence. If you’re able to resist the temptation of excess joy, anger, or other emotions, that’s a major sign of intelligence.

Self-Control is the ability to control your thoughts, actions, and desires without harming yourself or other people. This is an important trait to have because it allows you to choose a course of life that is in alignment with your values, ethics, and objectives.

Good interpersonal communication is another important sign of intelligence. If you can easily defuse a conflict between coworkers or friends, that’s a sign of your emotional intelligence and ability to listen empathically to the needs of others.

Being a good listener can be a skill that comes with age, but it’s a particularly useful trait for intelligent individuals. They often have a gift for calming people down during stressful conversations or helping to cheer up a friend who’s going through a tough time.

Dark humor

If you have a sense of humor that includes snarky jokes and cynical remarks, then that’s a sign that you’re intelligent. Being able to laugh at things that others find objectionable or off-putting is a great way to keep yourself from getting too stressed about the world around you.

A sense of humor is a huge part of being human, and it’s one of the most important traits that can help us to deal with life’s ups and downs. Having an intelligent sense of humor is a sign that you have the self-awareness to recognize when a situation calls for a more serious approach.


If you’re confident about yourself and your accomplishments, then that’s a good sign of intelligence. You know that your hard work, dedication, and commitment to your goals are worth celebrating.

You also realize that you don’t need the attention, fame, or glory to be successful in life. This self-awareness can be a huge asset in the workplace, but it’s especially helpful in your personal life.

You’re also likely to know when it’s best to step back from a leadership position and let someone else take the lead. This can be because you don’t enjoy the project or simply feel more competent in another area of your life.