Medical Scribes – How Can I Scribe Faster?

If you’re considering becoming a medical scribe, mastering how to scribe faster will make your job search much smoother and help ensure that you secure the position desired.

There are many ways you can hone your scribing skills. Here are a few:

1. Improve Your Typing Speed

Scribes must have fast and accurate typing speed to produce many words quickly. Therefore, it is essential for them to practice typing frequently as this will increase their efficiency and speed when writing. You can do this by playing games online which will increase your WPM (words per minute).

2. Develop Your Short Hand

As a scribe, it is essential to be able to type quickly and precisely. One way of accomplishing this is by creating your own system of abbreviations; this will save time while helping prevent misunderstandings when providers dictate. This system of abbreviations will save time while helping prevent mistakes during dictated conversations.

3. Be Aware of Charting Preferences

Every doctor has their own charting preferences, so it’s essential for you to be aware before beginning your shift. Doing this allows you to organize your work around their needs and ensure all information is documented according to how they prefer on the chart.

4. Be Punctual

Punctuality is essential when working as a scribe, since physicians typically need all their charts sent to them before the shift ends. This is especially relevant in emergency rooms or hospitals where doctors frequently need last-minute access to charts.

5. Be an attentive listener

As a scribe, you’re going to have many people talking to you and telling you things that are essential for the patient’s treatment plan. It can be easy to become distracted in your job and miss important details that need typing down, so practicing good listening skills is essential. Take some time out of work to jot down conversations with friends and family members – even your pet or the TV show you’re watching! 5. Show empathy
You might not need an attentive soul but having empathy will certainly improve how well-reached those discussions become. You could practice these skills by recording conversations with friends or even pets or shows you watch!

6. Complement Your Medical Knowledge

As a medical scribe, you’re expected to master numerous new terms and acronyms related to medicine. This is an integral part of being an effective scribe and will keep you abreast of current medical research. Furthermore, an understanding of basic anatomy and physiology is necessary; thus, brushing up on these topics before applying for a position as a scribe would be beneficial.

7. Be an effective team player

Scribes often work as part of a team to stay on top of their duties. Furthermore, they should show respect for both their doctor’s time and patients’ time by being punctual and efficient with paperwork. Having this skill sets helps prevent delays that could compromise patient care quality while still allowing doctors to focus on other matters at hand.

8. Demonstrate thoroughness and focus

Scribes have limited time to focus on their tasks; usually there are only moments when doctors and patients can have casual conversation. 8. Put in extra effort into every task you tackle
You won’t find many other jobs like this in medicine that offer so much freedom!