Lifetime Contracts

Lifetime contract. This is an interesting term, which means you will remain a villainess for life, no matter how long you decide to live as a villainess. Obviously, you don’t want to be tied down for that long, but you can always switch sides.

Lifetime contract

The Lifetime contract that Shrek makes with Rumpelstiltskin is a Plot Hole in a way. Even if the character has the power to break it, Shrek could never remove the first agreement. It could have been avoided by avoiding the meeting and the climax, but the contract was magically unbreakable.

Lifetime contract is a lifetime contract

The Lifetime movie villain is underwhelming despite a stellar performance by Anna Marie Dobbins. The character has no real backstory and is barely defined. It’s easy to see how the actress would find it difficult to stay in the role. Luckily, she’ll get another chance to shine in the next Lifetime movie: Pearl in the Mist.