Is it Okay to Eat Raw Radishes?

You may have walked right past radishes at the grocery store or in your veggie tray, but this root vegetable is super useful. Adding a peppery spice to salads, soups and even sandwiches, radish is not only a healthy addition but can also help you to reach your daily nutrient intake goals. This underrated vegetable is full of Vitamin C, Potassium, and Magnesium. If you are wondering if it is okay to eat raw radishes, the answer is yes but cooking them is a better option if you are trying to get more benefits from this root vegetable.

The health benefits of radishes include the ability to aid in weight loss, reduce inflammation, protect against diabetes and boost your immune system. Radishes are low in calories, but they also provide your body with a high amount of dietary fiber that helps you feel full for longer. They have a low glycemic index, which means that eating them regularly can help to regulate your blood sugar levels.

They are rich in Vitamin A and potassium, which can also be a benefit for those suffering from high blood pressure. In fact, a study has shown that the addition of radishes to a normal diet can decrease blood pressure by up to 20 percent. The vitamins and minerals found in radishes can help to keep your skin looking healthy and glowing, too. This is because it contains zinc, phosphorus, and vitamins A and K. In addition, the water content of radishes – 95 percent of which is water – can keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.

Radishes contain a lot of isothiocyanates, which can help to prevent certain types of cancer. These compounds, along with the other antioxidants found in radishes, can also help to protect your body from oxidative stress. This is a process that can lead to premature aging, heart disease and other serious conditions.

A half cup of sliced radishes provides about 1 gram of dietary fiber, which is a great addition to any meal to help you meet your nutrient requirements. This fiber can also help to improve digestive function and prevent constipation, because it bulks up your stool to allow waste to move through the colon more quickly. Radish leaves can also be eaten as a healthy alternative to lettuce in a sandwich or wrap, but they should only be consumed in small quantities. Because of their high bile production, consuming too many radish leaves can cause you to experience an upset stomach.

You can cook radishes in a variety of ways, including boiling, steaming, roasting and sauteing. They are also a good addition to stews and curries. To make a simple side dish with radish greens, simply wash them well and add them to a skillet with a little olive oil, a couple cloves of garlic and some red pepper flakes, then cook for about ten minutes. They are also delicious when topped with a mild herb like chives, parsley or chervil.