Is it Ok to Put a Hamster in a Fish Tank?

Owners who keep hamsters generally opt for wire cages rather than aquariums as the former provide better ventilation, preventing build-ups of gas and dampness and need less cleaning, while tanks tend to trap odors and dirt.

Some pet stores sell an aquarium-top tank topper that turns it into a wire cage with more climbing surfaces for hamsters, however this option should only be considered as part of an overall solution for them.

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Hamsters are small animals that require plenty of room to move about and explore, otherwise they become bored easily and may become aggressive. Therefore, selecting a tank suitable to their size and needs is key. Digging holes, hiding places, and playing spaces must all be provided within this fish tank as well as water bottles and feeding dishes; plus it should include screen tops that prevent escapees as well as cage locks to keep him safe and sound!

A fish tank can provide the ideal environment for hamsters as it offers them enough room and security in their new habitat. Hamsters usually adapt quickly; however, more attention should be given when making this transition as this will give them confidence to explore.

There are various tanks on the market designed to house hamsters. A popular choice among these options is a plastic or glass tank base fitted with wire-mesh top, providing excellent ventilation, easy cleaning, escape-proof properties, as well as being relatively affordable – you can find these at pet stores or online.

Another option is a tank with a clip-off lid, as these are easy to keep clean and safe for hamsters. They also provide more room for exploration compared to smaller enclosures; though bear in mind that fish tanks cannot be placed directly under sunlight as this will quickly heat them up.

Fish tanks can also serve as suitable environments for dwarf and Syrian hamsters, though it’s important to identify which type of hamster you have first before purchasing a cage for it. A Syrian or Dwarf hamster requires at least 24 inches in length by 12 inches wide space for burrowing purposes, while they need at least 450 square inches of floor area in which to live comfortably.


An aquarium provides the ideal living environment for your hamster, helping it adjust quickly to their new home. Make sure the tank contains everything your hamster requires for comfortable living – otherwise they could become unhappy quickly! If they feel unease in any aspect, their enjoyment in their new environment may diminish quickly.

Your first task as a new hamster owner should be purchasing an appropriate tank. A general guideline would be giving them two times their body length in dimensions as their home. Furthermore, make sure the lid of their new habitat is escape-proof as hamsters are notorious escape artists; their nose strength alone may allow them to open mesh lids on aquarium tanks or unlatch wire cage doors without difficulty. Use tape around the top or add a spring latch if possible in order to stop your pet from opening the lid and leaving the container.

Your tank should also include a hamster wheel and bedding material such as newspapers, carefresh bedding or aspen shavings to provide ample padding for your pet. Make sure it is deep enough so he/she can burrow down into it comfortably. Furthermore, daily dish cleaning will prevent harmful bacteria or germs from reaching his/her food and water dishes and making its way back into his body through consumption.

An additional task you should complete to care for your hamster properly is ensuring it has adequate ventilation in its tank. A glass tank heats up faster than plastic cages or bins, so a fan may help cool it down faster. Direct sunlight should also be avoided, as direct heat exposure could cause overheating and eventually death in your pet.

Finally, when picking up your hamster by its appendages or making kissing noises while holding them, do so carefully as this could disorient and stress them out. Additionally, avoid making loud kissing noises which could frighten off their precious pet!


Hamsters may live in cages, but they also thrive in more natural settings. Some pet owners use fish tanks as habitats for their hamsters – however these must be modified appropriately so as to meet all their needs.

A fish tank equipped with a mesh metal lid offers ample ventilation for hamsters, as well as bedding and structures they can hide and explore in. Ideally located away from sunlight for best results and draft-free areas to avoid overheating and trapping toxic gases like ammonia – and regularly cleaned to prevent their buildup in their cages.

Bedding should cover the bottom of a hamster tank to provide adequate insulation and comfort for its inhabitants. Select bedding made from compressed high-fiber wheat straw, hay or wood shavings – never use shredded paper as this may stick to their fur and cause abrasions; some pet stores even sell special composite newspaper that absorbs ammonia and other harmful chemicals; this layer should be deep enough for your hamster to burrow down into it – additionally add a freestanding wheel, available at most pet stores or search online – which you can also easily find easily online!

Hamsters enjoy exploring their environment, so a ten gallon tank may not provide them enough room to do this freely and cause stress. If any unusual behaviors, such as drooling or slobbering occur, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Remind yourself that hamsters are expert escape artists and can quickly chew holes into plastic habitats or fish tanks, chewing through mesh netting to access fish within. A hamster in a tank should therefore be kept on a short leash; when reaching into its confines, be careful not to touch its face or mouth as this could signal they’re about to become lunch! Doing so could cause stress as well as health issues like wet tail.

Hamsters housed in tanks should receive regular amounts of water to prevent dehydration. If any signs of dehydration, such as drooling or wet tail, are observed, seek medical advice immediately and visit your vet regularly – regular vet visits will ensure the health and happiness of your hamster.


If you own a fish tank at home, your hamster might appreciate having some toys to play with inside it. Floating logs and leaf hammocks make great choices; these toys help hamsters remain active. Bright colored toys such as red, orange or lime green may draw their interest further.

Glass aquariums for hamsters can be great solutions as they’re both durable and less expensive than their plastic counterparts. As with all heavy items, be mindful if purchasing one online or from stores without physical locations that allow you to view it and physically touch it before purchasing.

A cage must be large enough for your hamster to move freely within. A 10-gallon aquarium usually isn’t enough space; social animals like to explore and run freely within their cage. Hamsters need plenty of exercise space as well as an exclusive area to deposit waste and wait for their next cleanout appointment.

An anxious or bored hamster might try to escape by chewing through its cage bars. Though this can provide them with some attention, this action may prove harmful; rather, playfully distract it with something they can chew instead. Perhaps a piece of paper towel or another object which they can safely chew.

One effective solution for entertaining your hamster is adding a small ball to its cage. These balls provide endless amusement for the rodent while alleviating stress and boredom, providing something different than toys alone can. They can even be filled with texture-enhancing material such as dried grass for texture, scent or hiding places! You could even fill them with nutrition-rich treats as extra supplements.