How to Tell If Coworkers Don’t Like You

Are you working in a place where it’s hard to make friends or do your bosses make you feel like nobody cares about you? If this is the case for you, it can be extremely challenging to stay motivated. If this describes any situation that you find yourself in, reach out for support as soon as possible and see what can help ease the strain.

Though you may have heard people say “it’s just a popularity contest,” the truth is it can be challenging to tell if your coworkers actually dislike you. We’ve compiled an overview of some of the most common signs that your colleagues don’t think much of you.

1. Your Coworkers Never Give You Credit

If you find yourself constantly correcting mistakes or fixing things others should have done, this could indicate a lack of respect among your coworkers. This could be especially problematic if you are leading an important project that requires extensive teamwork but the others don’t take you seriously.

2. Your Coworkers Talk About You Behind Your Back

If your colleagues are gossiping about or making disparaging remarks about you behind your back, that could be indicative of their disliking you. They could be jealous and may be trying to bring you down with them.

3. They Disrespect Any Recognition You Receive

If a coworker always takes credit for something you do and then mocks your praise, this could indicate they don’t think highly of you. This could be indicative of jealousy or simply having difficulty dealing with their own insecurities.

4. They Don’t Invite You To Any Events

If they are consistently excluding you from office social gatherings, this could be another indication that they don’t like you. Try to stay positive and focus on those who do like you instead of getting irritated by those who don’t.

5. They Want To Fire You

If a disgruntled coworker keeps making negative remarks or accusations about other employees in the workplace, it could be indicative of their desire to get rid of you quickly. This could especially be true if there’s no work being done but they’re constantly making negative remarks about others.

6. Your Coworker Is Disinterested

When your coworker consistently fails to assist you, that may indicate they don’t like you. It could be indicative of jealousy, or simply that they lack team-player qualities and would prefer you move elsewhere. This type of behavior indicates a deeper-seated aversion for you as an employee.

7. They Avoid Your Eyes

Do you ever find that when entering the break room or sitting at your cubicle, it seems as if no one is looking at you? Are you so focused on getting things done that you forget to look at those around you? This could be indicative of why coworkers don’t like you; they assume you don’t make an effort to maintain eye contact and engage with them on a general basis. This behavior could indicate an underlying issue with communication in general between colleagues.