How Long Do You Clean an Industrial Piercing?

Industrial piercings, like all cartilage piercings, heal gradually; it could take anywhere from six months to one year for them to heal completely; if you experience irritations such as bumps or infections during this process, healing time could be even longer.

To ensure your industrial piercing heals correctly, it’s essential that it’s regularly cleansed with sterile wound wash saline solution. For best results, follow this step two times each day until its healing has completed.

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Saline Solution

Saline solution can be an invaluable way to cleanse wounds or piercings to help avoid infection, and speed healing time. This is especially effective for industrial piercings which tend to get infected quickly – infections may slow healing time significantly and result in keloids later.

Make your own saline solution using salt and distilled water at home to create the ideal saline solution for body piercings using non-iodized table salt, as other varieties contain additives that could irritate piercings. Store your solution in an airtight glass jar with tight fitting lid and add half pint (285ml) of boiling water and about one-quarter teaspoon of salt to complete this recipe.

Before using water and salt solutions to clean your industrial piercings, it’s crucial that they are mixed evenly. A saline solution that is too strong or weak may do more harm than good; too hot temperatures could burn or scald the piercings, leading to pain and swelling; an unsterile solution could introduce bacteria or foreign materials into the body that slow down healing time.

Boil the water on the stove or heat it in the microwave until warm – however, boiling is generally preferred since it will be more sterile than microwaving it. Make sure that before touching or dipping anything into it that your hands are washed to reduce risk of bacteria entering through fingers into piercings through fingertips.

Saline solution should be used twice daily to soak piercings with, preferably morning and evening. At least five minutes should be spent immersing each piercing to help clear away dead skin cells, dirt or any debris that has built up over time in its vicinity. Doing this will remove dead cells that have built up over time as well as any build-up of dirt in its entirety that may have occurred over time.

By using saline solution to soak your industrial piercing, it will help prevent infections and facilitate healing, while simultaneously helping remove any keloids that might develop. If any signs of infection emerge such as redness or oozing, it’s vital that they are addressed quickly to avoid more serious consequences.


Industrials differ from standard piercings in that they consist of two holes connected by a bar. As a result, their healing period is typically longer; sometimes up to six months is necessary. They also tend to be more sensitive than standard piercings, so extra care must be taken when cleaning them.

An industrial piercing should be cleaned using a saline solution, either purchased from a pharmacy or homemade from distilled water and non-iodized salt. Fill a small disposable cup or glass with warm saline solution and microwave until warm to increase circulation and speed up healing time. Warming up helps promote healing time through improved blood flow to speed healing time.

Soak the piercing twice daily for five minutes each time, making sure to cover both the interior and exterior sides, completely submerging jewelry in water. Use only sterile saline solution instead of store-bought contact solutions or wound wash which contain additives which could irritate it further.

Once soaked, carefully dry the piercing with a clean cotton ball or tissue without snagging its jewelry. Clean with mild soap such as liquid Castile soap or gentle antibacterial soap to disinfect it further – avoid bar soap which can leave residue that encourages the growth of bacteria.

Once your piercing has been cleaned and cared for, additional steps must be taken to safeguard it – such as wearing long earrings and keeping hair away. Furthermore, sleeping on the opposite side may prevent hair tangling up with it and pulling at it, potentially damaging or pulling away at it altogether.

If your piercing becomes infected, it is vital that you visit a piercer immediately for antibiotics and other forms of treatment. Failure to act swiftly could result in the formation of keloids – scars of skin tissue that form over wounds that hinder healing – making treatment necessary. If your piercing becomes painful, itchy, swollen or red, it may already be infected and requires medical assistance immediately; massaged or cleaned may do more harm than good and should never be massaged or cleaned as this could increase damage further.


Piercing experts recommend soap as an additional cleaning agent for industrial piercings, in addition to saline solutions. Soap thoroughly cleanses the area while helping remove bacteria that could potentially lead to infection. As with all piercings, however, soap that contains perfumes, dyes or active ingredients that could irritate healing sites should not be used as it could increase irritation levels further.

Industrial piercing infections are more challenging to heal than other piercings and should be avoided whenever possible. If your piercing becomes hot to the touch, red in color, swollen, painful, has pus oozing out from it or you experience fever symptoms immediately seek medical advice and visit a physician immediately.

One of the easiest and simplest ways to clean an industrial piercing is with a saline solution. There are many products on the market available for this, or you can create your own by mixing 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt with one cup (8 ounces or 250ml) of warm distilled or bottled water.

Once your piercing has been cleaned with the saline solution, gently cleanse it using mild liquid soap containing no perfumes, dyes or antibacterial agents as these may irritate the healing process and delay its completion. After cleansing, pat it dry with paper towels before applying petroleum jelly as preventive measure against chafing.

As part of your healing process, it’s essential to remember that industrial piercings are particularly susceptible to infections as they’re located in cartilage which is more sensitive than other forms of ear piercings. If you intend on wearing one, avoid sleeping on the side where it is situated as this could add pressure and force the piercing shut; also try and stay away from swimming pools, oceans and lakes as these environments contain bacteria which could potentially cause infection.

Additionally, in addition to following these steps, it is also wise to avoid touching your piercing as much as possible. Infected industrial piercings can form keloids and require longer healing than other types. If you wish to wear one anyway, waiting until it has fully healed may take anywhere between five and nine months depending on your healing process and aftercare habits.


Industrials are a type of double perforation on the cartilage in your upper ear. A traditional industrial is comprised of two piercings connected by a barbell; however, you could opt for either daith-rook or anti-helix daith instead, depending on your ear shape and jewelry selection.

Just like with any new piercing, industrials can be painful and uncomfortable during their first few weeks of healing. That is due to being closer to your hairline and being more susceptible to infection than other cartilage piercings. Your piercer may recommend using a compress as part of their healing protocol – this helps reduce swelling while protecting it from friction.

Your piercer will inform you which materials are suitable for an industrial piercing; in general, however, try to steer clear of anything too shiny or bulky that could catch on ear hair and pull at healing cartilage. Furthermore, heavy metals may place too much pressure on the piercing site, leading to pain and swelling.

Though antibiotic ointments or creams are tempting, you should try not to use them. Ointments trap bacteria under the skin which irritate the piercing and increase its susceptibility to infection; in addition, rubbing alcohol damages healthy skin cells and destroys tissue around it, increasing your chances of infection and increasing inflammation.

Kelly suggests soaking your piercing twice daily for one to two minutes in a diluted sea salt solution (SSS), in order to flush away toxins and keep your piercing clean. Once finished, make sure that it dries completely by patting with cotton balls or facial tissue.

Are You an Industrial Piercing Addict? Industrial piercing can add a striking look to your ears! But it’s important to know that this form of piercing can be more prone to infection than others and therefore requires extra special care from you in order for it to heal quickly and properly – giving your ears that chic look!