How Does Honor Band Work?

Honor band is a select ensemble of students from a particular school, association, or district. The experience of being a part of such a group can be a rewarding one for student musicians and directors alike. There are several key components that need to be considered for the honor band experience to be successful.

First, the conductor should make sure to share his or her musical knowledge with the students. This includes how to play a piece, how to work through intonation issues, and how to get the most out of the rhythmic concepts. Throughout the rehearsal, the conductor should also make sure that he or she focuses on engaging the students in conversation about music and composers.

Second, the conductor should establish the proper ensemble blend. This means that he or she should be able to adjust the balance and pulse in all pieces to achieve the best results. In addition, he or she should be able to identify the best moments in a piece and work through those moments to enhance the performance.

Third, the director of the honor band should have the ability to monitor the conductor’s performance. As such, the director will want to have a view of the conductor’s performance and his or her ability to communicate. He or she will also want to be able to watch the conductor’s face while the student musicians are playing and to engage the students in a conversation about music.

Fourth, the sponsor of the honor band should secure a venue for the performances. It is a good idea to communicate with the band director on the ability level of the students and the rehearsal schedule. The venue should be available, and the sponsor should be able to provide equipment and staff that will ensure that the band rehearsals are comfortable and productive.

Fifth, the sponsor should make sure to secure a guest conductor for the honor group. Most typically, this guest conductor will be chosen from a list of candidates submitted by the governing board of the host association. During the rehearsal, the conductor should work to solidify the tempo changes, rhythmic concepts, and ensemble blend that will be used during the concert.

Sixth, the students should be courteous and attentive during rehearsals. The conductor should make sure to share his orher musical knowledge, engage the students in a conversation about the music, and find the most challenging moments in a piece. All of this should be done to improve the honor band experience and inspire the students to excel.

Finally, the students should be able to commit to practicing outside of rehearsals. For this, the band must show up to each rehearsal with a pencil and an instrument. They should also be prepared to practice and rehearse for the performance dates, as they will need to prepare for all selections.

Ultimately, the conductor should be a personable and knowledgeable person who can demonstrate exemplary musical knowledge, and who is willing to work with the students to help them improve. Honor bands are an important tool for elevating student performance levels, but it requires a lot of commitment on the part of the students and the conductor.