How Do Sugar Gliders Like to Be Held?

Whether sugar gliders like to be held or not depends on their personalities. Some gliders enjoy being cradled close to their owners, while others would rather stand on the back of someone’s shoulders. There are also many different ways you can hold them – from strapping one to your shoulder or wearing a bonding pouch.

Gliders will sometimes climb out of their cages when you are holding them, so it is a good idea to put a branch in their cage to allow them to get some exercise. Just be sure to pick a tree that does not have any thorns or branches that can get stuck in their teeth.

You can help your glider develop trust in you by being patient with them and working at it slowly. Start by talking to them softly and offering a treat every time you do. They will learn to associate your face and voice with something they like, which will help them become tame.

When they are comfortable enough, you can begin to let them hang onto your hand as you pet them. This will make them feel more secure and give you more freedom as they explore their new home.

Keep your hands sanitized by using soap and water before you touch them. This will prevent them from becoming ill or having an allergic reaction to you. You can also use a damp cloth to wipe their noses and cheeks.

If your glider is not comfortable with you holding them, you can try putting your hand into their pouch. Place your finger in the pouch and move it around gently to help them learn that they can be petted without being crabbed at or bitten. Once they are able to tolerate this, you can start trying to get them to sit on your hand (it may take several times before they are comfortable with this).

Do not put your fingers in their pouches when they are very young. This can cause them to over groom, pull out small tufts of fur and even hurt their tails.

As they get older, you can begin to introduce them to more and more people in your home. As soon as they feel safe enough, you can move them to a busy area so that they can interact with more people and be exposed to new sights and sounds.

You can also take them on trips outside of their cages with you to encourage them to bond with you. This can be done by carrying them on your arm while you walk around the house or take them out of their cage to play with you in a yard.

Always be careful when introducing your glider to other pets in the household, especially dogs and cats. These animals can become confused and scared by their new additions, which can hinder the bonding process.

Never use negative reinforcers with your glider, such as hitting, thumping, or squirting them with water. These punishments can be both abusive and unnecessary, and can actually damage your bonding relationship.