How Do Shy Guys Flirt?

Shy guys are often petrified to make the first move. But if you are patient and persistent, you will eventually get them to open up.

While they can’t tell you directly that they like you, there are some subtle signs you should look for. Read on to learn about how to pick up these signals!

1. He creates opportunities to be around you

Getting a chance to talk to you is hard for shy guys, so they’re constantly creating opportunities to be around you.

You can see this by watching him closely: He unconsciously mimics your actions, like picking up his drink or shifting in his seat.

Those are all signs that he likes you. He wants you to know that he’s confident enough to be around you.

2. He notices the smallest changes in your appearance

He notices the smallest changes in your appearance: You wear a new perfume and he compliments you. He finds your hair color attractive and asks you about it.

He may also make small gestures to show that he is paying attention to you. He might buy you doughnuts or listen to the latest K-pop songs that you like.

3. He shares a secret with you

Shy guys aren’t great at communicating their feelings. That’s why they might not directly tell you that they like you.

However, you can get a hint by reading their body language. If you see him tense up and nervous around you, it means that he really wants to impress you.

4. He gets annoyed when you mention the names of other guys

Shy guys tend to be very careful with their feelings, so you can easily spot them by noticing how they behave around other boys.

They might look upset when you mention the names of other guys and act a little disapproving of you. That’s a clear sign that they don’t like you being with other guys.

5. He is always present at your favorite hangout places

Shy guys are always present at your favorite hangout places, even if you don’t talk to them. They are there to see you and may seem a little creepy, but it’s not uncommon.

Shy guys don’t open up easily and take their time when it comes to forming relationships. They want to be sure you are comfortable and happy with them before they do anything more.

6. He does little favors for you

When he likes you, he will go out of his way to make sure you have everything you need. Whether it’s fetching books, food, drinks, or reserving a seat, he’ll try to do whatever it takes to help you out.

If he does this for you, it shows that he values you and wants to spend time with you. It also signals that he’s confident in you.

7. He makes silly body language when you are around

If a shy guy likes you, he will do silly things around you. He will fidget, drop stuff, or act clumsy because he gets super excited when you are around him.

He might even give you a funny face. It can mean anything from payback to a subtle hint that you are the one he likes most.

8. He asks how your day is going

Shy guys aren’t as chatty as their outgoing counterparts, but they’re good listeners. They’ll nod along, look interested, and even laugh at the right time if they like what you have to say.

They’re also very good at asking you how your day is going. This is a way for them to show you that they care about you. It may seem awkward at first, but it’s a sign that he likes you and wants to spend time with you.

9. He tells you that he likes you

Shy guys often have a hard time flirting with women because they aren’t confident. They are also afraid of rejection.

That’s why they give you subtle signs of affection without expressing it verbally. These signals might be the smallest things you’ve never noticed before.

10. He tells his friends about his feelings for you

When you talk to a shy guy, he pays a lot of attention to you. He notices every little detail, even if you are talking about your favorite food or your birthday.

This is one of the best signs he likes you. He also shares a secret with you which is cute and sweet.