How Do I Take Care of My Gray Tree Frog?

If you are looking to add a unique and beautiful frog to your collection, a gray tree frog may be just the animal for you. Although these frogs aren’t popular in captivity, they are easy to care for and a great addition to any pet collection!

How Do I Take Care of My Gray Tree Frog?

When it comes to taking care of a gray tree frog, there are a few key things that you will need to keep in mind. These include how to breed them, what foods they should be fed, and what their basic habitat needs are.

Choosing a Frog Substrate

When it comes time to choose a substrate for your gray tree frog, you will need to consider what will be best for their health. While a variety of different substrates can be used, it is important that you pick something that will retain moisture and won’t be harmful to your frog. This can be done by using a coconut husk fiber substrate, unfertilized vermiculite, or soil mixed with peat moss.

You will also want to avoid using aquarium gravel or sand as this can lead to impaction, which is when the substrate becomes lodged in the frog’s digestive tract. This can cause damage and eventually kill the frog.

Providing Shelter and Climbing Wood

A cage with a number of perches and climbing branches is essential for a gray tree frog. Driftwood, cork bark tubes, bamboo poles, and PVC pipe segments can all be used to create a variety of different types of perches that your frog will enjoy.

Shed Skin and Colorations

It is normal for reptiles and amphibians to shed their skin as a means of reducing stress, healing from injuries or parasites, or growing new skin. Shedding can also help your frog get the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong!

The colors of a gray tree frog can vary depending on the type of wood they are living in and their environment. They can range from solid colors with blotches to green, brown, and even pearl-gray.

They have large, sticky toe pads that help them cling to trees and other surfaces. They are also able to change their colors in seconds, making them ideal for hiding and hunting in the woods!

Males and Females

The males of this species are the ones that will call to attract a mate. They are smaller than the females, and will have a black or brown throat during breeding season.

During the breeding season, these frogs will spend much of their time hiding and hunting at night in trees. During this time, they will call for hours on end as they try to establish their territory and defend it from predators!

If you are planning on breeding your gray tree frogs, it is important to set up a terrarium with a shallow water dish. This will help to maintain humidity levels and provide a place for the frogs to lay their eggs. Once the frogs are laid, it will take about 48 to 72 hours for them to hatch into tadpoles. After they have hatched, you will need to feed them aquatic tadpole food or crushed fish flakes until they develop their hind legs. Once the tadpoles are ready, you can then provide them with a way to access dry land.