How Can Tight Muscles Result in Back Pain Brainly?

People suffering from tight muscles in the back are susceptible to headaches and other health problems. They often slouch, which puts increased pressure on the back and discs. This stress can pinch the sciatic nerve and blood vessels. If this happens to you, here are some exercises you can do to prevent pain and stiffness.

Regular exercise helps keep the joints fluid and prevents back pain. It also helps keep the weight low. Being overweight puts additional stress on the back. Exercise also helps keep the muscles and joints in good condition. If you have a bad back, you need to consult your doctor immediately.

If you are experiencing back pain, you should limit physical activity for a few days. Then slowly start an exercise program. Your doctor can guide you in choosing the best exercises. A good exercise program should include aerobic activity, strength training, and stretching. A good physical therapist will also show you how to stretch your back muscles. Stretching exercises can improve blood flow in the back, strengthen your stomach muscles, and improve your posture.