Err 1 on Culligan Water Softener

If you have an error code for error 1 on your Culligan water softener, this may be a sign that your machine is not operating properly. If the error code is displayed, you may need to replace the softener. In this situation, you need to contact Culligan for assistance.

The first step to resolve error 1 is to check if the softener is plugged in. If not, make sure to plug it in properly and turn on the wall switches. If you don’t have any power, check to see if the circuit breakers or fuses have tripped. If they are, press the Regen button to reset the unit.

Another cause for the error is that the controls are not set correctly. The settings on the softener may be out of range. To correct this, click the “SET” button on the display and adjust the settings to their correct range. Refer to the instructions for proper use and care for your softener to determine what setting needs to be adjusted.

If the water softener isn’t showing the error code, then the switch may be defective. If the switch is damaged or faulty, you can disassemble it by unscrewing the metal plate on top of the softener. Then, you can try plugging it back in. If this doesn’t work, you can call a professional for further assistance.

Err 1 on Culligan water softener means that the electronics on the softener have malfunctioned. You need to reprogramme the control settings. You can do this by pressing any key on the display or pressing the “SET” button. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys to scroll through the number displayed on the display. The left arrow key stops the flashing number.

A hard water test kit can be found at your local hardware store or online. A test kit can let you know if your water softener system is functioning properly and whether your water is too hard. A normal range for water is between 0 and 17.1 milligrams of minerals per liter.

If the “E1” code persists despite resetting the water softener, the problem could be due to a clogged drain hose. This can prevent brine from draining out of the softener’s resin tank during regen. The problem could also be with the injector/venturi or the brine line/valve assembly.

Another possible cause of error 1 on a Culligan water softener is that the water supply to the water softener has not filled completely. If this is the case, check the water level in the brine tank and add more salt if necessary. If the water flow is impaired, the softener won’t be able to regenerate fully.