Cyberpunk YouTuber Andrew Tate Banned From TikTok

Andrew Tate is a British-American singer and social media star who has become one of the biggest streamers on TikTok. His video content has amassed over 13 billion views and is one of the most watched videos on the site. However, after being banned from TikTok for permanent reasons, he is now in trouble for allegedly dehumanizing people. He is also being dubbed a dangerous misogynist.

The company said that Tate violated its rules by attacking people and dehumanizing groups of people. It did not say which specific video was offensive, but he will not be allowed to use the app again. In addition, the company will delete all of his videos. This is the latest in a series of social media sites to take action against him. A number of sites have already banned him, including Facebook and Instagram.

TikTok’s statement says that Tate broke the company’s policy of not allowing misogyny to be promoted. While the site does not specify what specifically was offensive, it did note that he has repeatedly dehumanized women and gang members.