Can a Hamster Die If It Gets Wet?

Hamsters make great pets, but like any animal they can become sick. Hamsters in particular are susceptible to wet tail syndrome – an especially dangerous condition which can lead to dehydration and eventual death if left untreated.

If your hamster has wet tail, it is essential that you visit an exotics vet immediately. They may prescribe antibiotics and subcutaneous fluids; in severe cases they may syringe feed your pet directly.

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Petting a hamster is an enormous commitment. You must carefully plan travel plans to ensure that your furry family member will be taken care of while you’re gone, or arrange for someone else to visit periodically and play with him/her while you’re gone – otherwise leaving them alone could result in aggressive behavior from them as they forget what humans are like!

Under hot temperatures, hamsters can quickly dehydrate, making it hard for them to regulate their body temperature and staying hydrated. You can help your hamster avoid dehydration by providing it with access to fresh water sources like lettuce and fruits in their cage as well as providing them with plenty of restorative foods like raisins.

If your hamster appears dehydrated, visit a veterinarian immediately for treatment. They can rehydrate them as well as treat any potential causes, like diabetes or digestive issues. To check if a hamster is dehydrated, hold them gently and pinch its neck area gently – if the pinch snaps back quickly then all is well; otherwise if there’s any slowness to recover or an apparent ridge where you pinched then that indicates dehydration.

Wet Tail is one of the most serious intestinal diseases afflicting hamsters and often proves fatal within 48 hours of symptoms appearing. Caused by bacteria, Wet Tail affects hamsters of weaning age or older and results in severe diarrhoea accompanied by wet tail areas which contain fecal matter as well as hunched postures in patients.

If your hamster has wet tail, it is essential that they be separated from other hamsters in their cage to reduce any spread of bacteria and ensure maximum comfort while they recover from this condition. Furthermore, plenty of electrolytes such as Pedialyte (unless diabetic hamsters), should also be provided so they can absorb fluids more readily.


Hamsters can be tough pets, but due to their size and fragile build, illnesses or injuries can quickly progress into more serious health problems that must be treated quickly before becoming life threatening. By closely observing your hamster’s behavior and consulting a vet as soon as signs of illness or injury appear, it’s often possible to treat common hamster health problems before they turn fatal.

Hamsters can develop various respiratory infections. If your pet exhibits signs of illness such as sneezing or discharge from its eyes or nose, or appears fatigued and listless, visit a veterinarian immediately.

Pneumonia can cause various symptoms in cats and dogs, including difficulty breathing, lethargy, loss of appetite and fever. Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to clear up pneumonia as well as any secondary infections that arise from it.

Diarrhea is another of the more common problems encountered with hamsters, and should be brought immediately to a veterinarian if yours has been losing weight, dehydrating rapidly or has an untidy coat. Diarrhea may be caused by various sources such as bacteria infections, parasites or certain antibiotics with antigram-positive activity and even diet or feeding changes – for instance providing too many fresh vegetables and fruits at once.

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is another illness that hamsters may be at risk of contracting from eating contaminated food or water, or by coming in contact with bacteria spread by sick hamsters coughing and sneezing, stress, overcrowding in their cage, overheating or undernourishment of nutrients, stress or overcrowding in their cage or stress or overcrowding in general. This disease can cause weight loss, difficulty breathing and bloody diarrhea – something only your veterinarian might be capable of diagnosing through laboratory tests or by closely inspecting mouth/throat area to detect lesions that could point towards infection.

Elderly hamsters may suffer from various ailments, including amyloidosis – in which dense proteins produced by their bodies accumulate in organs like liver and kidneys – blood clots in the heart; stomach ulcers; dental disease caused by long incisor teeth that rub against mouth and throat areas and cause pain; blood clots in heart; stomach ulcers; dental disease where long incisor teeth grow too long that they rub against these parts causing discomfort and pain – blood clots in heart; stomach ulcers; and dental disease caused when long incisor teeth become so long that they rub against these areas causing discomfort; most diseases cannot be cured; however your veterinarian might be able to offer temporary solutions such as fluids and antibiotics to ensure comfort for your pet until such time comes that your vet.

Wet Tail

Hamsters cannot communicate their discomfort to their owners in the same way humans can; therefore it’s crucial that any abnormalities be detected early and addressed quickly. A wet tail may indicate serious illness in the rodent and will lead to death within 48 hours without immediate medical intervention; luckily this condition can be avoided with proper care and maintenance.

Loose, runny stools and a wet tail are classic signs of wet tail, though other symptoms could also include weight loss, inactivity or an unruly coat. As soon as these symptoms emerge it’s important to seek medical advice as soon as possible since wet tail typically indicates an infection which could prove deadly for hamsters.

Proliferative ileitis or transmissible ileal hyperplasia is a potentially lethal bacterial infection, most often seen among hamsters and other rodents kept in cages, and thought to be caused by stress. Luckily, this illness can be avoided by keeping environments clean and not overhandling rodents.

Lawsonia intracellularis is usually responsible, though Clostridium difficile can also contribute. Whatever bacteria are involved, treatment for wet tail is the same: your vet will prescribe antibiotics and antidiarrheal medication, and may syringe feed your hamster if they become dehydrated enough for self-eating alone.

Once a hamster is more at ease, they should be introduced back into its home using strict isolation protocols to reduce disease transmission. Their cage should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to returning them home; and until it’s safe for mixing again they should remain apart until then. This will minimize stress while increasing chances that their health can recover faster.

Always provide water in their cage, both for hamsters and other pets, to prevent constipation from developing which could result in the same symptoms as wet tail. Furthermore, fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber which support regular bowel movements should be made available for your caretaker hamster.


Hamsters can suffer a range of injuries and infections that require medical treatment; while some can be addressed at home, others require visiting your vet. Bleeding should always be brought immediately to a vet; small cuts can be cleaned gently with warm water and cotton wool but be wary when applying medicated plasters, bandages or antiseptic creams intended for humans as these could pose risks.

Abscesses, infected pockets of pus, can result from infections to wounds sustained during cage fighting or from wood shavings that hit their feet or shoulders. Abscesses are painful for hamsters and should be drained by a veterinarian as soon as they appear.

If your hamster has been losing weight and acting lethargic, they could be suffering from a stomach bug known as wet tail. Young hamsters separated from their mothers or moved too soon can experience stress that causes an overpopulation of bacteria to populate in their stomach and produce diarrhoea with foul odor – this condition may prove fatal even with treatment including antibiotics and subcutaneous fluids to counter dehydration.

Bloated abdomens in hamsters can be an indicator of illness, and can indicate constipation or blocked intestines. A bloated abdomen could also signal rectal prolapse; when an area of intestinal tissue folds in on itself and protrudes from their anus. This situation requires prompt veterinary assistance as an emergency situation.

Constipation may be caused by tapeworms, blockage from food or bedding or obstruction such as cysts or tumors in the bowel. If you suspect your hamster has diarrhea, gently feel its abdomen to see if it feels hard and bloated; in such cases your vet will prescribe appropriate antibiotics, subcutaneous fluids and antidiarrheal medication to help alleviate their condition.

As they age, older hamsters can develop health issues that include amyloidosis – where protein deposits build up in their liver and kidneys; blood clots in their hearts; stomach ulcers; ringworm (an infectious fungal disease spread between hamsters); dental issues and respiratory infections.