Are Poison Dart Frogs Hard to Take Care Of?

Are poison dart frogs hard to take care of?

Poison dart frogs make great pets due to their ease of care, but before you purchase one there are a few things you should know about them: the size of their enclosure, food requirements, temperature gradient requirements and how best to prevent escapes. With all this knowledge at your disposal you’ll have all you need to get your new friend started on the right foot!

Terrariums and Plants

To promote your frogs’ wellbeing, create a terrarium that replicates their natural environment as closely as possible. This will make them feel secure and at home in their new habitat. Important elements for creating an ideal terrarium include cork bark, branches, moss, pebbles – you could even add water features for added effect! Your frogs will think they’re in a tropical rainforest!


A successful terrarium requires adequate lighting. This will give your frogs a day and night cycle, which can be achieved using T5 bulbs or LED fixtures. You may also use a misting system or fogger to maintain high humidity levels.

Prey and Vitamins

Poison dart frogs can be fed a variety of small insects such as pinhead crickets, wingless fruit flies, springtails, and isopods. Furthermore, they require ample amounts of Vitamin A and calcium in their diet; these two nutrients are crucial for the long-term growth and development of an adult frog.

To give your frogs the vitamins they need, open capsules and scatter them over their food. This will allow them to absorb essential nutrients and prevent malnourishment.

In addition to providing them with a nutritious diet, you should also provide them with a secure hiding place and water dish for drinking from. You can do this by filling a shallow container with dechlorinated water.

You should consider using a thermometer and hygrometer to ensure the temperature in your terrarium stays between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 60-70 degrees at night. Doing this will prevent animals from becoming too hot and suffering heat stress.

Substrate and Water Dish

A substrate is essential for keeping humidity levels in your terrarium at their optimum. Make sure it can retain moisture well, as a substrate that cannot hold moisture can encourage mold or bacteria growth.

To prevent these conditions, add a layer of moss on top of your substrate to help retain moisture. You may also use leaf-litter for visual interest.

Finally, providing your frogs with a water dish for drinking and soaking is recommended. Make sure the bowl is filled with dechlorinated water to protect them from any infections caused by germs in the air.