Are Bleeding Hearts Poisonous to Dogs?

Are bleeding hearts poisonous to dogs?

If your dog has ingested any part of a bleeding heart plant, then it is very important that you take your dog to the vet immediately. The toxicity of this plant is very severe, and it can cause damage to your dog’s liver and kidneys if they do not get flushed out quickly enough.

It is very rare for a pet to be exposed to toxins in their environment, but it happens occasionally. In most cases, if your dog has ingested any of these plants or their leaves, they will show signs of toxicity, such as vomiting and diarrhea, extreme drooling, and lethargy.

A vet will be able to determine whether your dog has ingested any parts of this plant or its leaves and what the extent of any toxicity is. If your pet has only ingested a small amount of this plant, they should not have any adverse effects and they may be able to go home with a few prescription medications.

Ingesting a large amount of this plant or its leaves can result in death. The toxin is called isoquinoline alkaloids and it causes liver damage. If this is not treated promptly, then your dog will have permanent liver and kidney damage that can cause irreversible problems.

The only way that you can prevent your pet from consuming these plants is to keep them out of the house or garden completely. If you are unable to do this, then it is very important that you put up some sort of barrier or fence so that your dog cannot reach these plants or their leaves.

How to grow bleeding hearts

Bleeding heart plants are easy to grow in the ground or in containers. They do best in a moist, well-drained soil that is amended yearly. Use a rich potting mix that contains lots of organic material and include some perlite for drainage. Then, water your plant regularly but not excessively so that it does not rot in the soil.

It is important to remove dead flower heads from bleeding heart plants, as this encourages the plant to bloom more often for longer. You should do this regularly from mid-summer through the first frosts of fall.

You should also trim the stems that rise up from the base of the plant as these can become leggy and twiggy, resulting in poor growth. This is also a good time to repot bleeding heart plants if they have become crowded or are beginning to suffer from overwatering.

These plants are able to tolerate some degree of drought, but they do not like prolonged periods of watering. If they receive too much moisture, they can wilt and become discolored.

Depending on the variety you have, they can bloom from spring through fall. In warmer areas, they can bloom for several months, but in colder climates, they may only produce flowers for a few weeks before dying back completely.